Corporate Social Responsibility policy

Our CSR program
The Saint-Siméon Collection's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy.

Corporate Social Responsibility policy

The Saint-Siméon Collection's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is rooted in an ethical commitment to preserving the environment, supporting local life and associations, and ensuring the well-being of its employees.

Since every business, by definition, has a direct impact on its environment, our voluntary CSR contribution enables our customers to help us have a positive impact on our environment, our community and our employees.

The environment


We are currently carrying out major work with Take A Waste on the treatment of plastic waste. The various Service Managers at the Saint-Siméon Collection are working directly with suppliers to study options for reducing packaging as much as possible. The aim is to work on “the three Rs”:
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Replace


We promote soft mobility for our staff and customers. To this end, we have purchased 4 electric vehicles to enable our employees to travel both personally on request and professionally between our sites.

Sustainable practices

Permaculture vegetable garden, installation of beehives in our hotels, harvesting of our own apples for our juices and desserts... We implement various practices throughout the year aimed at having a positive impact on the environment.



One third of our CSR contribution is donated to local associations. Whether sporting, cultural or inclusive, we donate several thousand euros every year thanks to this contribution.

Employees at the heart of our commitment

The final third of the CSR contribution is paid to our employees. Modelled on the employee profit-sharing scheme popular in English-speaking countries, this payment is a way for us to reward the employees of the Saint-Siméon Collection fairly and equitably.